Download free fantasy type
Download free fantasy type

download free fantasy type

Oh man, once you add equipment and spell changing and shit, oh crap, this looks like it has so much freaking potential. And I've only done the tutorial battle, haven't even gotten into anything in depth. The fact that monsters explode into a bloody cloud when you sap MP is great. Merciless killing and explosions, guy rolling around on fire, blood everywhere, it actually looks like hell on earth, real war, not some soldiers marching around and just falling down. If this where on a full controller though, oh man, oh man.Īlso, it's so gritty, the actual opening when you start a new demo game is so hellish. My index finger is pretty well trained to use the dpad from countless hours of MH, I can get used to this even if it's not ideal. Holy shit, for the love of gaming this needs to come to console for controllers (aren't you able to hook PSPs up to PS3s and use the PS3 controllers?) I see what was meant by the camera, but I think I can live with it. HO-LY-FUCK This is great, this type of combat needs to come to console, it HAS to. Trying out characters in just the first tutorial battle right now. So, finally got everything set up and messing around with it. The little boy (or girl) with the blue icon sells items.Īlso the missions he will give you is three so far, the first to are training (DO IT YOU LEVEL UP).Īnd the last option is a real mission with a REAL AIRSHIP! R trigger = lock on, also when you kill an enemy stand next to it's corpse and hold R until a little reticule pops up then hit Triangle to drain it.or.Osmose it.Īnd for missions, just run straight past the barriers, keep running straight, and talk to the moogle with a Orange Icon above its head. SOme people cure when you hold X for awhile. You can use 7 of the characters (I use King, GUNS BLAZING).Ĭross = Gaurd when standing, Dodge when moving. Press the X button to skip cutscenes, I mean they're cool and all but to damn long. These links are for people who have Custom Firmwareĭownload and enjoy =D and note, It is free so I ain't breaking the law. The link above me is for Legit Psp owners Thanks to Shinji for the Square-Enix Link =D

Download free fantasy type